RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol)

European AI Consultancy for

Business Transformations

AI Training & Workshops | AI-driven Business Strategy |

AI Business Models | Implementation of AI solutions 

The Secrets of using  ChatGPT effectively

RenAIsol Masterclasses

The upcoming “The Secrets of using  ChatGPT effectively” masterclass is a not-to-be-missed event for professionals keen on gaining a competitive edge using ChatGPT. Set in the prestigious Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club and priced at an exclusive rate of € 586, down from the normal price of  € 960, this comprehensive course promises to equip attendees with hands-on experience and knowledge to leverage ChatGPT effectively in their respective fields.

Where and when:

Venue: Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club

Investment: Introductory price €586 ex VAT (Normal price is €960) 

Dates: To be announced for second half June 2024(2 afternoon sessions)

Including: Top AI instructors, materials, powerpoints, ebooks, lunch, coffee, tea and refreshments, after masterclass drinks and a certificate upon completion. 

Prerequisites: bring your laptop and be in a good mood.

The contents:

RenAIssance Solutions (Renaisol)

1. Introduction to AI 

Brief overview of AI and machine learning.

Introduction to ChatGPT: What it is and how it works.

AI developments around the world

ChatGPT training by RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol)

2. Capabilities and Limitations

Discuss what ChatGPT can do: Language understanding, text generation, and more.

Highlight limitations: Knowledge cutoff, understanding nuanced context, etc.

ChatGPT training by RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol)

3. ChatGPT Basic Interaction

How to start a conversation with ChatGPT.

What is prompt engineering?

Types of questions you can ask and commands you can give.

4. ChatGPT Advanced Features

Introduction to special functionalities: Translation, summarization, code generation, etc.

How to use specific prompts to get the best results.

RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol) ChatGPT for Content Creation Generating articles, reports, emails, and creative writing. Editing and improving drafts.

5. ChatGPT for Content Creation

Generating articles, reports, emails, and creative writing.

Editing and improving drafts.

RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol) 6. ChatGPT for Coding/programming  Generating code snippets and debugging. Explaining code and concepts.

6. ChatGPT for Coding/programming 

Generating code snippets and debugging.

Explaining code and concepts.

RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol) 7. ChatGPT for Research and Data Analysis Summarizing research papers and articles. Generating data analysis reports from raw data.

7. ChatGPT for Research and Data Analysis

Summarising research papers and articles.

Generating data analysis reports from raw data.

RenAIssance Solutions (RenAIsol) 7. ChatGPT for Research and Data Analysis Summarizing research papers and articles. Generating data analysis reports from raw data.

Our Top Instructors

Benno Pieters

Shokoofeh Ketabchi

"It is not AI that is going to put you out of a job or your business, it is the person with AI that will do that."